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لطفا با ما تماس بگیرید، در زبان مادری خود را، با استفاده از کانال های ارتباطی ما و انتخاب یکی که کار می کند بهتر است شما برای شما.
منتظر شنیدن از شما،
ICDE تیم مدیریت

Voting of the Participatory Budget

Inaugural Activity 2007

Inaugural Activity 2007

Inaugural Activity 2007

Multidisciplinary Team Meeting

Fulbright Activity with participants

Inaugural Activity 2006

The USA Consulate partner with ICDE

Lecture with Athayde Motta

Coach Shannon East and participants

Communication Training at Rio Brasa

ICDE at Johns Hopkins University

ICDE at Johns Hopkins University

Communication Training at Rio Brasa

ICDE at Johns Hopkins University

ICDE at World Bank

ICDE at World Bank

ICDE at World Bank

ICDE at World Bank

ICDE at World Bank

ICDE at Johns Hopkins University
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